Something is deeply wrong in Brooklyn...
Blues for 475
Chosen - Spring Grant 2022
"Hot Films in the Making are films that we highly support. They have excellent concepts and brilliant filmmakers; they should be in our finals in the future."
From the Heart Productions
"On a sleepy holiday weekend, when all we were thinking about was whether to do our laundry or not, they came down our hallways in formation, with axes in their hands, all pumped up. I've been in places of combat but I have never been so alarmed. They gave us five hours to leave."
- Guy Lesser
“This film documents the events and the people but it also documents in its way the bigger picture; what is the life of an artist in this society. The way I see it, art is the immune system of humanity and I think that in Tyler Chase’s film you will get that sense. Without art functioning as our immune system, we will not survive here”
-Connie Crothers - Jazz Pianist